Terror Tones - CD ( $ 12.95 )
[Version 2]

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Updated: August 2001
All Tracks Remastered and Track 1 Arranged by:
Hear the Fear Productions


A Psycologically Unnerving Sound
How It Works
All "Terror Tones" on this disc are a mixture of ultra low frequencies. Recently we've added a new track called: TerrorMin that combines the eerie audible sound of a Theremin with low frequency tones. It is expected that this (new) track will be extremely effective. 

The low frequency tones, by themselves, don't scare. However, when amplified through subwoofer speakers, in a haunt, on a sound system capable of reproducing low frequencies ( 25 to 50 Hz), they affect the psyche of the hearer. The frequencies are such that one actually feels the sound vibrating their bones. Because haunted attraction patrons come psycologically prepared to be frightened, this CD works. So the expectation of the haunt patron, causes a sense of dread or outright panic when experiencing aTerror Tone. 

In order for theTerror Tones CD to produce this psychological effect, you must have an amplifier of at least 30 watts per channel, and as mentioned, subwoofer speaker/s. The tones on the CD are recorded in stereo, and playing both channels through separate subwoofers IS RECOMMENDED. However, if there's only one subwoofer available, both channels may be played through one subwoofer to obtain a good effect. 

Also a Terror Tone is not meant to be played constantly. It should be triggered, or manually turned on intermittently, to be experienced by patrons just prior to a scare event. For example: entering a haunted attraction, or feeling along a dimly lit hallway, dark passageway, or maze. 

Shake, rattle and roll: the very low frequencies of Terror Tone may vibrate structures in the vicinity of speaker (subwoofer). If your haunt's construction is not sturdy this may cause problems. However, the volume of sound need not be that high. It should be adjusted just loud enough to cause patrons to "feel the sound".

The Version 2 CD contains ten different Terror Tones, of about one minute duration, each on a separate track. Relative effectiveness of each tone is unknown; therefore numeric track order is not significant, with the possible exception of track #1. The purchaser may want to play ALL tracks in succession in order to determine, by experiment, which have the best haunt effect. 

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